You have landed at the submission manager for Awards sponsored by CBAA.

*** CBAA is now accepting applications for 2025 Conference Travel Assistance Grants and nominations for 2025 Career Awards! ***

Please read the eligibility rules carefully. If you apply but do not meet the requirements, your submission will be ineligible. 

You are required to be a member of CBAA to apply for these opportunities, though we always welcome new members! Join here

If you have questions about the submission process: 

Amy Thompson
Chair, CBAA Awards Committee

CBAA members who do not have access to or have been unable to receive sufficient institutional financial support for conference attendance are encouraged to apply for Conference Travel Assistance Grants. National travel grants will be awarded at $400 and regional grants will be awarded at $200. Regional applicants are considered to be those who are traveling within 400 miles of the conference site. Applications will be accepted through March 1, 2025.


  • All current members of CBAA (members of institutional bundles, patron and sustaining members, and student members) are eligible to apply for a Conference Travel Assistance Grant, with the exception of current members of the Board of Directors and Awards Committee.


  • airline travel
  • gas
  • rental car, shuttle, or rideshare
  • lodging
  • conference expenses
  • food and sundries


Please gather the following materials and information in order to submit:

  • Statement of Motivation: Short statement of circumstantial need, motivation to attend conference, and interest in/involvement with  CBAA (may include plans for presentation/demonstration, participation in exhibitions).
  • Travel Budget: Estimated travel/food/lodging and matching funds or sources, if applicable.
  • Abbreviated CV (optional): Not more than 5 pages.


The Awards Committee will notify applicants of the funding decisions in April 2025.

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2025 CBAA Distinguished Career Award

CBAA’s mission is to support and promote academic book arts education by fostering the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship and criticism. The CBAA Career Awards seek to recognize individuals whose accomplishments continue to have a significant impact on the teaching and study of book art.

The Distinguished Career Award is granted to an individual who has contributed sustainably and significantly to the development of the field over the course of their career. Such impact may be demonstrated through diverse means: education, mentorship, artistic practice, publication, collection curation, founding or sustaining organizations, exhibiting or selling book works, forming connections between fields, broadening the visibility of book art, and otherwise influencing or expanding what we understand as book art. 

Nominations will be accepted through March 1, 2025.


  • Nomination must be made by a CBAA member.
  • An individual may self-nominate, but the required nomination materials are the same for self-nominations.
  • Nominees do not need to be current members of CBAA (unless they are self-nominating).
  • Nominees need not be academically affiliated.
  • Current members of the CBAA Board or the Awards Committee are not eligible for consideration.


Required materials provided by the nominator (deadline March 1, 2025):

  • Nomination statement explaining why you are nominating this person for the CBAA Distinguished Career Award. Cite specific examples of their contributions to the field.
  • Two letters from current or former professional colleagues
  • One letter from a former student


Award determinations will be made by the CBAA Board and announced in April 2025, prior to the Biennial Conference in Madison, WI.

Award Amount: $1,000 honorarium; travel to, lodging at, and registration for the CBAA Biennial Conference; lifetime membership to CBAA.

Nomination Deadline: March 1, 2025


Please email with questions about eligibility or the application and evaluation processes.

Call for Nominations: 2025 CBAA Emerging Educator Award

CBAA’s mission is to support and promote academic book arts education by fostering the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship and criticism. The CBAA Career Awards seek to recognize individuals whose accomplishments continue to have a significant impact on the teaching and study of book art.

The Emerging Educator Award is granted to an individual making important contributions to the pedagogical development of the field, demonstrated through innovative teaching practices, high quality student work, papers or presentations at national conferences, and/or other substantial contributions to the education of book artists. 

Nominations will be accepted through March 1, 2025.


  • Nomination must be made by a CBAA member.
  • An individual may self-nominate, but the required nomination materials are the same for self-nominations.
  • Nominees do not need to be current members of CBAA (unless self-nominating).
  • Completed studies within the last twelve years or began teaching within the past seven years.
  • Currently teaching full- or part-time at an accredited undergraduate or graduate institution. Staff members with significant teaching, curriculum design, and/or studio mentoring responsibilities are also eligible.
  • Current members of the CBAA Board or the Awards Committee are not eligible for consideration.



Required materials provided by the nominator (deadline March 1, 2025):

  • Nomination statement explaining why you are nominating this person for the CBAA Emerging Educator Award. Cite specific examples of their contributions to the field.
  • One letter from a professional colleague or college administrator
  • One letter from a former student

After nomination, CBAA will contact the nominee and request the following materials:

  • CV
  • Course syllabi (no more than three)


Award determinations will be made by the CBAA Board and announced in April 2025, prior to the Biennial Conference in Madison, WI.

Award Amount: $1,000 honorarium; travel to, lodging at, and registration for the CBAA Biennial Conference; 5-year membership to CBAA.

Nomination Deadline: March 1, 2025


Please email with questions about eligibility or the application and evaluations processes. 

CALL FOR NOMINATIONS: 2025 CBAA Community Steward Award

CBAA’s mission is to support and promote academic book arts education by fostering the development of its practice, teaching, scholarship and criticism. The CBAA Career Awards seek to recognize individuals whose accomplishments continue to have a significant impact on the teaching and study of book art.

The Community Steward Award is granted to an individual who is doing important work to support and care for the book arts community and making book arts more accessible to all. This work might include, but is not limited to:

  • making book arts more accessible and inclusive by supporting the work of artists and educators who identify as BIPOC, LGBTQIA+,  and/or as people with disabilities.
  • making book arts more economically accessible through grants, residencies, commissions, purchases, promotion, etc.
  • making book arts more democratic and diverse by supporting or building local book arts organizations for artists, educators,  and the general public.
  • promoting book arts to the wider worlds of art, design, craft, and books.
  • curating exhibitions of book arts and/or writing critical essays about work in the field outside of academic institutions and publications.
  • supporting the field through maintenance, repair, rescue, management, sharing, and/or stewardship of book arts equipment, materials, and/or technical knowledge.

Nominations will be accepted through March 1, 2025.


  • Nomination must be made by a CBAA member.
  • An individual may self-nominate, but the required nomination materials are the same for self-nominations.
  • Nominees do not need to be current members of CBAA (unless they are self-nominating).
  • Nonprofit workers, administrators, or volunteers; business owners or employees; entrepreneurs, activists, organizers, publishers, community educators, artists, and/or anyone working outside of academic institutions to support the book arts community are eligible for this award. Nominees may have an academic affiliation, but this award is for work that occurs outside of an academic context.
  • Nominees must be individuals or collaborative groups. Organizations are not eligible.
  • Current members of the CBAA Board or the Awards Committee are not eligible for consideration.


Required materials provided by the nominator (deadline March 1, 2025):

  • Nomination statement explaining why you are nominating this person for the CBAA Community Steward Award. Cite specific examples of their contributions to the field.
  • Two letters from professional colleagues and/or members of the book arts community (broadly interpreted).


Award determinations will be made by the CBAA Board and announced in April 2025, prior to the Biennial Conference in Madison, WI.

Award Amount: $1,000 honorarium; travel to, lodging at, and registration for the CBAA Biennial Conference; 5-year membership to CBAA.

Nomination Deadline: March 1, 2025.


Please email with questions about eligibility or the application and evaluations processes.

CBAA: Awards Committee